Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Fit Paleo Mums lend their creativity

Day 16: I've been making some yummy Paleo dishes over the last two days. One dish in particular was so good I even left a comment on her blog, which was a first for me. 
Yesterday's dinner - I was faced with an ever-wrinkling eggplant in the veggie drawer, which I had intended to use prior to going away for the weekend. It's eggplant season, and I love them. Unfortunately the rest of my family don't share my passion, so in the past, when I've made macaroni cheese for them, I've made my very decadent eggplant cheesio pour moi. In order to satisfy my cheesio cravings I trawled through the Paleo websites until I finally found a kindred soul in, who had kindly created this wonderful chicken and eggplant parmesan recipe. It was every bit as decadent as the cheesey version, with the eggplant being meltingly tender from the salting process. I had that for dinner and froze the other three portions for later meals.

For the squidgets and hubby I made spaghetti and meatballs. Aldi sells a lovely Organic Pasta Sauce with Basil and Garlic, which my non-tomato-sauce-loving-boys will actually eat, so I used that along with these Spicy Meatballs from They were a hit!

Today's lunch - I have a girl-crush on Gwyneth, despite her terribly PC "conscious uncoupling" (ugh!), and love browsing her GOOP newsletter. Amongst the usual unattainable clothes, houses, holidays and recipes was this pearl - Paleo bread. Now I know the strictest of Paleos don't bake breads, cakes, biscuits, but that's not my rap. I'm trying to stick to no grains, no dairy, no sugar and this cave woman needed some bread, goddamit! To be honest, I couldn't face another roasted sweet potato/pumpkin/{insert your root vegetable here}. I was feeling a bit hollow and wanted something with substance. What I'm doing, for reasons I don't even understand, is justifying this creation... gosh it was lovely...

Today's dinner - Fast-track to tonight's meal and I still had half of the meatball mix left in the fridge from last night, (I had doubled the amount of mince, not the other ingredients). So rather than make meatballs or burgers, I simply sauteed the mince, using a wooden spoon to smash at it and keep the mix crumbly and loose. I added several florets of cauliflower, a couple of mushrooms and a chilli. I served the lot on a bed of spinach and rocket.

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