Day 18: This is how I started my morning - swimming in the ocean at sunrise... The water was like spun glass. A very zen start to the day.
Yesterday was interesting as I had two social occasions, requiring a bit of forward planning. Firstly, I was meeting up with the soccer mums for lunch at my favourite cheap and cheerful haunt: Mortar & Pestle. I had decided to just order the simplest thing on the menu, as I could always spice things up with extra fresh chilli on the side. It was easy and it was nice to not have to prepare a dish myself. I ordered the chicken and cashews, which, interestingly, came in a kind of tomato-ey sauce, but just chock-full of good quality chicken breast and veggies.
In the evening I made a lovely roast chicken with sweet potatoes, plain potatoes (for the lads) and my kale chips. Thank god for roast chook, right? It makes everyone so happy, especially when mummy goes to that little bit of effort and makes gravy for their potatoes! I slopped the anchovy and caper sauce over my chicken. For kale chips, I rub coconut oil into the leaves and then sprinkle them with salt and pepper and smoked paprika, or Herbie's Roast Vegetable spice mix. Then I put them in the oven for the last 10-15 minutes that the roast is cooking. Even my six year old fuss-pot eats them.
Then my buddy asked that I join her for a walk.... to the pub! Again, I didn't want my "Paleo-thung" to be an issue, so I googled "best alcohol choice for Paleos". The result was interesting: it said dry cider. So off I marched to the pub with my plan and my buddy. What a fantastic night out and one I'll remember for future date nights with my hubby - on the rooftop terrace of the New Brighton Hotel they have movie night on Thursdays. People had even booked the lounges in front of the screen. It was brilliant. However, I've been thinking about the recommendation to have cider and I really have to disagree. I was in the wine industry for 15 years, so I know how wine is made and it's a fairly natural process, especially if made with wild yeast. More importantly, it doesn't contain the sugar that cider does. Man! After not having sugar for three weeks, those dry ciders tasted painfully sweet. During wine's fermentation process, all the grape juice sugars are converted to alcohol, the exception being off dry and medium to sweet white wines. So you're left with a higher alcohol level than cider has, but it technically speaking is sugar free. Besides, I have seen many a David Attenborough doco showing elephants and monkeys congregating yearly at the marula tree, in order to get sloshed on the fermenting fruit - if the cave men weren't onto that caper too, then they were idiots! So I'll be having a dry Hunter Semillon next time I feel like a tipple. Hunter Semillon is picked very early, as are the grapes for sparkling wine, which means lower levels of sugar/ripeness and therefore lower levels of alcohol. German Rieslings are also very low in alcohol. However, I'd better get off the subject of wine as I can rant about it for hours...
Today, I'm in a bit of stuckness*, as I have a sick child at home and an uninspiring fridge. So to keep things easy and free me up for cuddles and hot water bottle filling, my day has gone like this:
Breakfast - a smoothie of a banana, two kiwifruit, a handful of spinach, a scoop of Supergreens powder and a slosh of almond milk. Wow - that was one very green drink!
Lunch - two slices of my Paleo bread with tahini and cherry tomatoes, one apple, one bliss ball and a decaf plunger coffee. I am back into my plunger coffee, as having it black or with a bit of almond milk is more palatable than from my espresso machine.
Dinner - a salad from paleo hacks, consisting of lots of spinach leaves, roasted onion, sweet potato and chicken, cashews and a basic vinaigrette. I'm saving all my creativity for the weekend when I'm cooking up a Paleo Indian Feast for friends. Indian food is perfect for Paleo - all those wonderful veggies with coconut milk. I might even reveal my spice pastes...
* stuckness - noun, a wonderful expression invented by my then 4 year old, as in "Mummy, please get me out of this stuckness"! A state of not being able to get out of your current predicament despite your best intentions.
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